How is this book impacting readers?

"I loved the book. I loved hearing about how the world started. anchor points, intention, what happens when people pass away. I have read Edgar Cayce's work. I have always been looking for answers. This book gives the best answers so far."

 "I will never forget the amazing realization when I came to accept that what is going on here is real when, after the first time I called in to the conference line a few years ago, suddenly synchronicities started occurring like never before, all the time.  There is no way to explain these experiences to another in any sort of way that could ever convey the gravity of it.  I have since stopped trying to explain as I have come to understand that these experiences are really only meant for the experiencer and so trying to tell somebody else (who has not had such an experience) will mean nothing to them.  I am forever grateful that your work has provided the circumstances which led to my expansion enough to have the experience and I will always be a part of this group and a contributor to the group energy!"

"It was like all the pieces of a puzzle I found were put together in this book. – β€œIt put the different concepts and ideas I came across in the past year together. It was like all the peices of a puzzle I found were put together in this book. It scared me yet comforted me.” 

"I can now use a lot from your fantastic book to confirm/cross reference other sources. I salute you for your important and courageous effort to bring this info to the beings of earth at this time of importance!! Much love and blessings. Namaste" - Martin Norway

"I'm totally connecting with it. It is connecting all religious knowledge that I know. Very unifying." 
First of all, just checking; Did you download our free book? If not, I highly recommend it. The scope and expansiveness of what we are presenting is not like anything else you've ever been exposed to. It's not for everyone, but for many it's become a lifeline in this realm, a missing link to the deepest questions of life and spiritual support from the "other side". Thousands of people have been helped in the unlocking the mystery of their own life. 

It was tying creation, the Annunaki, Egypt, Jesus, right up to the present with a coherent impeccable thread of understanding. And all of this superimposed on a myriad of impossible synchronicities, past life concordances, and miraculous phenomena, not only for me, but for the people around me and the people reading my materials and listening to our conference calls. 

I have spent a number of years trying to figure out the best ways to introduce my experience in a public way that didn't make me sound crazy. It certainly can appear that way at first glance, but there's just too much validation with to much impossible odds that all the events that transpired could be just "coincidence".  

The idea that I could be in communication with 2 group souls that have been so influential in the evolution of humankind is a completely outrageous claim and yet I can find no other reasonable explanation for what's been and continues to be, my experience.

And there's no way I could make it up. Aside from witnesses, photographs, audio and video recordings, there's a trail left on the web, time stamped over 15 years.

I invite you to approach me as a skeptic and see if you can find fault in all the premises. For a few years, I did the same with myself. I was looking for something wrong. I was looking for another explanation, but nothing was forthcoming. I searched the internet and cross referenced volumes of material and it all kept leading to the same end.

As phenomenal as it all is, I certainly wouldn't have chosen it. It's far too much responsibility. But I guess on some level I must have chosen it and I must be up for the task, because it's fairly obvious "they" have chosen me. 

Intelligent Infinity; What is it?
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Is this person the reincarnation of Jesus' disciple Mattthew? Click here to get free excerpts from the book; "The Man Who Walked with Jesus"
The Law of One Made Simple

This is a series of 10 3 hour workshops with Carla Rueckert and Wynn Free based on a series of channelings from the period 1981-1983 via Carla where she was communicating an intelligence that identified itself as a "Group Soul" that had been assisting mankind for tens of thousands of year. 

Message a Day
How would you like to receive an email every day with a message from Sources who have connected with Wynn. This is a FREE service which has changed the lives of many people. 

             You can subscribe here
The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce
Wynn discovered the website of David Wilcock in 2000. Having been a long time student of the Cayce material, he had the intuition that Wilcock was the re-embodiment of Cayce after reading his channelings and the section of Wilcock's website called "The Cayce Connection". 

Wilcock didn't claim to be Cayce, but said he had a resonance with Cayce. For the next year, Wynn intensely studied the Wilcock material and became absolutely certain that Wilcock was Cayce in a previous life. Wynn convinced a very reluctant Wilcock on the value of doing this book which was published in 2004 by North Atlantic Books and was very foundational for Wilcock's current acclaim.

After the book was released, Wilcock made the decision to defocus on channeling. He felt that he would get greater attention for his work by focusing on science, prophecy, and ancient civilizations.

Half of this book is dedicated to the channeling sessions of Wilcock from this period. The intelligence speaking through him identified itself as a "Group Soul" comprised of graduates of this realm who acted as a helper and guide for our planet for tens of thousands of years. The implications are that this is the same group soul who was channeling through Edgar Cayce and there was a deep connection with Jesus. Wilcock believed that Carla Rueckert (Law of One Made Simple. See above link) was channeling the same Group Soul.

"Some of the most lucid and loving spiritual advice/wisdom I have ever read."

Click here to learn more about the book and get an autographed copy.

Click here for a free email subscription with excerpts from the book and more....

Has Disciple Matthew Reincarnated?
The Creator Gods of the Physical Universe Want to Talk to You
by Wynn Free
This is a product we sell to fund all the things we give away gratis and in service. If you heard us on a radio show, put the first name of the host as the discount code in our shopping cart and you will get a humongous discount. (It's a great product!!l. Click on the picture or here, and see what it does.)
Conference Calls
Our conference calls/internet broadcasts are one of the most powerful things we offer. We have live sessions with our Sources. Participants are able to submit questions and we bring forth answers right on the call. Many people have emailed us sharing some of their transformations which they give credit to attending our conferences.

We hold 3 a week, Mon 6pm, Weds, 6pm, Sunday 10am. 

The schedule for our calls can be found here.

We have over 1000 calls archived here.

You can sign up for email notifications of our calls here.

There is NO CHARGE to participate on our calls.
Short Video Excerpts 
from Elohim Sessions

The Elohim say they are a Group Soul. They take credit for the creation of the Universe, but they don't take credit for being God, although at various times in history they have been thought of as such. Elohim is one of the names for God in the Old Testament as well as the Book of Mormon. Wynn has had thousands of question and answer conversations with them. At the beginning of this connection, he attempted to validate for himself that they might be who they said they were. Click on this link for some short excerpts of their answers and you can begin your own process of evaluation and decide for yourself.

If Intelligent Infinity is making a contribution to your life, please consider making a donation. You will be helping fund us to reach more people. Thanks and gratitude.


(c) 2015  Intelligent Infinity
2675 Highway 89A, 1269
Sedona, Az. 86336
Booktalk11 (at) Yahoo.com

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